Sunday, December 30, 2007
UUM (HONS) CLASS OF 1993-1997 REUNION, KLGCC (Saturday, 29th December 2007) [2 Photos]
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Superhero! [1 Photo]
The curtain for year end 2007 is nearly closed. The waves in East Coast of Malaysia are increasingly rough shoved by the powerful monsoon winds from South China Sea. Rainy season will be approaching very soon probably tomorrow or the next day after. It is the season that usually bring great flood throughout six countries in Malaysia. Apparently, an Ultraman has come to save the situation. He thinks there might be a monster that intent to damage and disturb the peace of human being here. The monster that will eventually be finished by him.. " )
Monday, August 20, 2007
Ain's Third Birthday [2 Photos]

It is Ain’s third birthday and she is one year older than Muadzam. Ain is the second child from three children of Taban and Zilla's family, my second cousin. This year, Ain’s birthday party is arranged along with his grandparents' Aidilfitri (Eid) open house.
There are lots of balloon in the house and Muadzam has also attracted to play with those balloons. Ain are not so happy with that, because she thinks that all the balloons belongs to her. When I shoot this photo, Ain gives her shallow smile while Muadzam not. Perhaps Muadzam is in control of his emotion while learning his lessons of how to be such a perfect gentlekid.
The Mindful Putrajaya [1 Panorama Photo]
Click HERE to view or download the larger version of above
Kalimah 'Allah' In The Sky of Putrajaya [3 Photos]
Hari tu, malam 18hb Ogos 2007, sempena Pertandingan Bunga Api Antarabangsa Putrajaya, aku ada shoots dalam 26 frame gambar.
Masa shoots yang ke 13, aku perasan akan pembentukan awan2 kumulus nipis sedang berarak di langit.. kemungkinan dihembus oleh angin sepoi2 bahasa di atas langit tu. Tapi, bila aku perhatikan betul2 ke dalam skrin LCD digital kamera aku, aku terperasan bahawa, awan2 yang berarak tersebut seolah-olah sedang membentuk satu corak yang sangat 'familiar'.. bila aku amat-amati, aku suspek.. awan2 tersebut sedang membentuk sebuah kalimah..
Tanpa berlengah, aku terus membetulkan keadaan kamera dan tripod aku. Seterusnya, aku ambik satu lagi shoot (frame ke 14). Kemudian setelah aku check balik gambar tu, aku decide utk ambik satu lagi shoot iaitu shoot yang ketiga (frame ke 15).. dan kali ni, bila aku tengok ke skrin LCD digital kamera aku.. gambar tu memang yang terbaik dari segi komposisinya... sequal bagi ketiga2 frame tersebut ialah selang seminit, maksudnya gambar2 di ambil pada pukul 8.57 pm, 8.58 pm dan 8.59 pm...
Aku dah cuba utk share perkara ni dengan Utusan dan Berita Harian, masa on the way ke lecture aku semalam.. tapi hari nie (20hb August 2007) nampaknya tak keluar pun.. tak kisahlah tu.. cuma aku rasa elok juga kalau aku boleh share gambar2 ni dengan korang... kerana pada pendapat aku, awan yang berarak itu telah membentuk kalimah 'Allah' dalam tulisan Arab..
Sesuai dgn pertunjukan bunga api tersebut, mungkin Allah hendakkan kita semua bersyukur ke atas nikmat-nikmat-Nya..
Kepada sesiapa yang tak nampak tu, anggaplah perkara ni sebagai satu kebetulan sahaja..
Perhatikanlah gambar2 yang aku attachkan ni.. " )
I noticed a familiar shape of an Arabic wording, the word 'Allah' came across my mind. I was already prepared for the fireworks show. My compact digital camera was attached to a tripod and the camera mode was set into 'fireworks' mode. So, it was not difficult to instantly shoot this extraordinary clouds form.
After looking into the photo result, I was dissatisfied with the composition. I thought it could be better if I adjust a bit of my camera position. As you could see above, the composition still need minor adjustment. So again, I made another minor move to get the 'very' best of composition result.
Here it goes. This was the best composition that I had captured. The forming of this Kalimah happened within less than five minutes. It was then dissappeared as the clouds had freely, slowly move on and shifted by the blowing winds in the sky.
Details of Photo;
[PS: Well, somehow I think I am a bit lucky and I feel even more close to Allah SWT know. I am thinking that, all these happened probably due to, first, maybe because of my hobbies to shoot photos and like it shared with my friends " ).. Second, maybe because of the Asma-Alhusna, the song of 99 Beautiful Names of Allah, that I've fully memorized and frequently sing it inside my heart and my head.
Nevertheless, it could also be meant the other way around.. Wallahualam.]
[Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, Ampunkanlah kami..]
"..Untuk tambahan, malam tu aku ada sekali kat sana dgn Atok… tetiba dapat call (hp Atok) dari Tobak, tapi aku yang jawab. So bila Tobak mentioned pasal shoot yg dia dapat, aku terus dongak ke langit. Memang aku nampak awan tersebut. Tapi yg aku nampak hanya awan yang bercorak garis-garis. Bermakna aku terlambat beberapa ketika sahaja. In juga bermakna, rezeki untuk Allah tunjukkan kebesaranNya hanya diberikan kepada Tobak pada malam itu. Bila Tobak tunjuk gambar tu, memang sahih apa yg dia shoot disebabkan aku pun masih dapat lihat bayangan garisan Cuma aku tak dapat lihat kalimah itu sendiri. Allahuakbar… sesungguhnya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui setiap sesuatu yang Dia mahu tunjukkan.
Cuma, apa yang aku boleh katakana, kejadian ini berlaku beberapa minit selepas azan Isyak…. Aku pada masa tu, aku berada di perkarangan Masjid Putrajaya. Tapi bila azan, aku tidak pun menyahut seruannya. Takut tertinggal bunga api.... tapi itulah yang Allah tunjukkan esp untuk org yang macam aku. Suka lengahkan seruannya…. Maka perkara seperti inilah yang harus kita nilai semula… Kekuasaan Allah… rezeki Allah… rahmat Allah… segalanya… yg diberikan kepada kita. Cuma kita sendiri yang dapat menilai samada kita ingat atau lupa. Maha Suci Allah... Allah Yang Maha Besar... terima kasih untuk Tobak yang sudi berkongsi keajaiban & kekuasaan Allah ini…
p/s: Andaikata kita dipanggil pulang sekarang ini, adakah kita telah bersedia… " ~ Achmat.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Malam Graduasi Matrik UUM Sessi 1991/1992
Click HERE to see some actions from the dinner of Malam Graduasi Matrik UUM Sessi 1991/1992!
[URL is published by courtesy, from Hj. Soboque’s flickr]
Monday, July 30, 2007
UFLC 2007 (UUM_WITH_HONS @yahoogroups.com Futsal League Championship 2007)
Finally, once again, the UFLC (futsal league) ex-uum 1993-1997 was lucratively done! It was our 4th-time this year, which means our 4th subsequent years of annual gathering. Tremendously, there were more than 70 highly regarded ex-UUM were showing up their faces and managed to make it ‘happening’ at the scenery. For records, let us hear some remarks from EX-UUM 1993-1997 about the UFLC this year, 2007!
[I don’t mind accepting all the credits and compliments because I am fully understand that that is not my real purposes... and I must admit that without everybodies' support, the event could be nothing done..! So, why don't we just appreciate about what they have to say, ...like some of the excerpts below...layan!!]
"..yaaa..tahniah kepada semua...especially tuan hj tobak yg bersusyah payah tahun ni...keep it up! anggota real sarec juga akan mula turun latihan
sebulan sekali...yaaa. .tunggu kap kun kap..hahaha..."
"..congrat tobak, achmat & to all sponsors & gang..
"..Syabas buat penganjur, dan semua yg terlibat,..congrats to the champs KAP KUUUUUNNNNNNNN! !!!,...and all others...agak kuciwa terpaksa pulang awal hari tuu....well done SIVAJI the boss !!!,.....tak sia2 kita giat berlatih saban hari selama 3 bulan kat atas gunung...... eh btw tobby...anugerah keeper paling handal tahun ni takde ke?"
"..Black cat, Aku rasa team kita Ipoh Rangers kena tukor nama la..
"..tahniah and terima kasih kepada tobak dan lain2 yg aku rasa bersusah payah arrangekan game ni utk kita. walaupun aku dapat singgah kejap je, memang seronok dapat jumpa member2 yang dah lama x jumpa, dapat tengok perubahan & perKEMBANGAN masing2... tapi tobak, aku rasa kalau boleh, next year, malam sebelum game tu, best kalau kita dapat berkumpul buat barbeque ke, ape ke, yang wife and anak2 kita boleh datang jugak. just an idea... ape2 pun, tahniah buat semua, aku rasa bertuah berada dalam batch kita yang sememangnya ade usaha nak berkumpul semula."
"Tahniah buat pihak penganjur
[Please find the full event photos HERE!]

Real Sarec FC VS Nilai Plus FC
(Back row, L to R: Taran, Rafidi, Bad Lalih, Che Mat,
Bijan, Tobak, Panjang, Yasiaq, Polan, Obe & Soboque.
Front row, L to R: Ujang, Achmat, Balun, Bros,
Black Dwi, Long & Rozalhaslee)
[...minutes before they dropped into their tears in heaven.. hahaha..
pergh nak kena tunggu next year ler pulak kalu nak revenge!
go Panjang go!]
[For records, Real Sarec is capable of entering
the Semi-Final, should they won the game with Nilai Plus FC.
Real Sarec already lead the scores within the league schedule..
Congrats to Real Sarec!]
Insya-Allah! See ya again next year gudfellas!
Tobak a.k.a Uncle Tobby!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Kemasul (13/07/2007) [7 Photos]
..didn't plan the shoots to represent arts, rather than sharing off my full of dirts and dusties 4WD tracking experience.. syiok wa cakap lue!

..and a little excerpt from the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC) about the photos..
"..In 2005, the industry had contributed RM21 billion, of which RM 12 billion was derived from the furniture and plywood industries. These industries ultimately depend on the ready and sustainable supply of local timber. The Government is therefore committed to ensure the growth of these industries. Apart from preventing the indiscriminate destruction of our forests, we are fully committed to support the sustainable development of our forest plantation.."
Thinking of uploading more pics afterward! Tunggu...
Thursday, March 01, 2007
The 7th Royal Thoroughbred RMC 86-90 Brotherhood 2007 Gathering Part 2 (24th February 2007) [3 Photos]
All photos are published by courtesy of OP Zuflin Nazli, Hotel Company

On 29th December 2006, two months before this mega reunion, I received an SMS from OP Zuflin (Kutik). He was asking me and my family to reserve the date of 24th February 2007 for our presence on the 7th Royal Thoroughbred RMC 8690 gathering. He and few other committed OPs [OP Alvin (Fernandez), OP Asfani (Upak), OP Selwyn (Chi Chong), OP Hairil, OP Azmizam (Art), OP Adlee (Chipok) and OP Kadir (Bapak)] were organizing the most awaited reunion ever to many of us, RMC 8690 OPs. We had had few gatherings before, but this was the first attempt to get hold all the OPs only within our batch. Same'Ol Situation
The gathering that took place at the Old Putera Association (OPA) Building, Subang, was fantastically organized. The delicious meals, the DJ, the clown, the fatigue soldiers, the gifts to everybody, the lucky draws etc., were many of the countless efforts brought-out by the organizers.

The Best Medicine
The feedbacks were tremendously encouraging. Just look at few of the excerpts below;
Well done everyone. Great gathering after so many years and hope we can meet again someday soon. Kalau bole mau lepak lama2 lagi tak puas beb!
~ OP Aref Zaharin
Aku amat berbesar hati kerana dapat berjumpa kembali dengan kawan2 semua. Ada yang muka tak berubah langsung. Ada yang makin kurus, tapi banyak yang lebih boroi. Cuma aku rasa kita patut ada lebih banyak time untuk mengenali family kawan2 and memulakan NETWORKING kita. Ramai yang dah berjawatan dan mempunyai kepakaran dan skill yang tertentu. Mesti boleh lagi gempak kita punya batch kalau boleh bekerjasama untuk memajukan diri. Committee akan compile semua details untuk distribute kepada semua. Stay tuned. Thanks my friends. I had a great time.
~ OP Asfani Musa
Malam tu memang terbaik. Tahniah, terima kasih, well done, dan TERBAIK dari aku buat semua AJK Besar (Kutiq, Art, Hairil, Upak, Chipok, Kadir, Chichong) dan semua OP yang hadir. My wife dan anak-anak rasa terkejut dan seronok tengok 'friendship' kita semua. Begitu AKRAB. Aku setuju cadangan Upak, kita kena eratkan NETWORKING sesama kita untuk kebaikan bersama. OK, SYABAS semua. Wassalam.
~ OP Saifullizan
It was an excellent and superb reunion. Congrats to all and especially the commitee members for all the hard work in ensuring everything goes well. Tak sangka we can gather that many OPs and family after 17 years. Sedih aku bila terkenang semula, but cos ada yang mula nangis (anak), nak dokong and nak susu, nak tidur tak dapat berbual lama itu yang terkilan sikit. Hope we can keep in touch.
~ OP Ahmad Fahmi
It was indeed, marvellous yet awesome gathering. One thing we miss, maybe kita bleh panggil guiness book of record for the biggest ratio of turnout. Those yang turun dr jauh, aku rasa emang berbaloi. Still regrett those yg tak dapat hadir. Tahniah skali lagi mereka yang merangka dan melaksanakan event haritu. We are the best!
~ OP Fadzri
Terima kasih to kutik and all the commitee. Hopefully, kita boleh try lagi next year.
~ OP Najid
Bros. Happy days. Thanks alot to ALL the committee members including putera sarjans yg worked ever so hard, yang datang dari jauh, yang selama ni hilang tapi tetiba sanggup muncul, family members yang sanggup teman suami / bapak, askar2 and badut, cookhaus, semua la if nak mention tak kan habis bro. Happy daysss. Thanks for the friendship bro, hopefully it'll last forever..
~ OP Zahrill
Brothers, Without the commitment & effort from all, none of this could have happened. Kutik, thank you for 'driving' us and making our dinner gathering a success. You really meet the "Serve To Lead" motto. Betul kata Art, kalau hang tak push, sure tak jalan punya. Major Kadir, u really save the day by providing us the logistics plus the manpower. Kalau tak dak hang, 'masak' jugak. Sure our budget burst punya. To the organising committee (Kutik, Alvin, Upak, Kadir, Art, Chipok, Chichong & not forgetting Shikin), it was an honour working with u guys. Aku pun sungguh seronok dapat jumpa kengkawan lama. Ada yang aku tak pernah jumpa sejak 1990 ie. Topek, Hasnal, Cicak, Peller, Fahmi (just naming a few). To the rest of our batch mates, stay in touch & thanks for supporting this event. Kalau ada yang terkurang, mintak maaf atas kekurangan tersebut. But I guess most of us (if not all) were really happy & enjoyed ourselves among our 'brotherhood' that night. Looking forward to our next event. Cheers & best regards
~ OP Hairil Razlan Hayata
As for myself, I also would like to take this opportunity to salute and congratulate the organizers, as well as to all RMC 8690 OPs who managed to make this gathering happened. It has been so meaningful to me and my wife. Words are just not enough to describe of how I felt.
Therefore, I hope this journal would represent a little of my thousands appreciations towards what have been carried-out by the organizers.
Serve To Lead
OP Din, Foxtrot