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Friday, February 19, 2010

My Grandiloquences Project 2010 (Jan ~ Feb)

GRANDILOQUENT; adj. attempting to impress with big words or grand gestures

..additional target jargons used; adversely, aftermath, ambiguous, ambiance, ancestral, arbitrary, assimilate, astute, austere, cache, catastrophic, claimant, contemplate, convey, defame, denounce, depict, diminish, dissolution, dormant, eruption, evoke, exaggerate, facilitate, fathom, histrionic, illiterate, inherent, intervene, invoke, melancholy, notion, permeate, precipitation, proficient, quixotic, ramification, scrutinize, spur, spurn, subtly, trigger, unleash, verbatim & vertigo..

24..if beauty magazine noxiously cause an average woman feel less pretty, fitness magazine has never failed to let the protuberant arbitrarily looks at his belly. when a country’s technological innovations are undeniably lagged behind, does buying ‘hi-tech’ equipments contribute to nation’s innovativeness expeditiously?..

23..macro and micro economy is not an austere rudimentary math in distributing a state’s affluence. the better-off certainly bids lower because they are very competent. ..when awarded, they accumulate more prestige and luxury. Thus, when any leaders euphoniously promotes an egalitarian political philosophy onto a nation, who actually being privileged? ..Think..

22..nelson mandela was sentenced to life after encouraging civil disobedience as insurgencies against oppression of Blacks. ..after 28 years in prison, in 1994, he was elected as the president of south africa. ..technical comparison facilitates that if you are only 27, you are not even born yet to be the next prime minister of malaysia. ..See, reverse thinking makes james cameron’s avatar more alluring.. " )...

21..death happens everywhere, anytime, albeit different methods. in ready mode are we? disability is even worst because it oblige difficulties to family members.. Give precedence to The Almighty’s protections before we do almost anything good. Because living the world is only temporary.. have wonders to immortality, in ‘where’ our lives after death would be.. insya’Allah..

20..when it comes into political rambling, even the rudimentary turns clever.. in the right to freedom of speech, different idiosyncrasy of views is coherent to be heard, which is good for the observant.. pathetically, most political temptation is based on hatred to others.. the inarticulate persuaded..

19..some of the selected iridescence elements that I have managed to capture during the recent 'apresiasi biodiversiti tasik & wetland putrajaya', 6 - 7 feb 2010 (sat-sun). the event was a photography workshop that also included segments of photography contest. my colleague won first price for the open category. I won my own bounty of spectrum for how my photography should be. as a conclusion, we have had fun! and would continue to enjoy it for our next photography session. come, join us!

18..shame on you, those who act in proliferating shame of the others.. regardless how sinful they are.. be careful what you wish for them..

17..atheists belief is too dogmatic, agnostics puzzle in between the line. optimists foresee the silver lining, pessimists cry over the dark clouds. egocentrics suffer their only points of view, Believers prostrate with a peace of mind.. Alhamdulillah..

16..apes and humans share a remarkable 98 to 99 percent genetic similarity. if apes is almost as the same as humans, anatomically, why do they not suffer from odontalgia? albeit, apes never brush their teeth, while humans do.. " )

15..truth, truth to unveil the truth, skullduggery, shenanigan that obsessed the most. Evil de facto is laughing behind, would the minority be sent to heaven? deception arises in front of your eyes, the knowledge that you have, don’t keep it to yourselves.. the hypocritically windows open ajar, the adolescents often see the world as insincere to what they perceived. funny how lies propagate and disperse hatred, little are able to decipher the truth and truculent lies. the voice of applauses appear from the crowd, paying respect for what they recently believed as right.. if the truth does not insurgent, would the rest remains deceived?

13..some people live their entire lives never realizing that they have a misanthropic attitude toward others, because first and foremost, they have never liked themselves.. thankful figures often are the people that stand undisturbed..

12..procrastinating is a common combination of human delinquencies. since 'the only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once' (albert einstein), albeit cliché, 'it’s better late than never'.. procrastination must be avoided..

11..shares a 'petua'. upon the end of 7th-month pregnancy, let the mother-to-be commence to consume goat milk, a few tea spoon a week until she gave birth. it will alleviate, if not eliminate jaundice to the later newborn.. insyaAllah.. " )

10..drama, drama, drama.. I despise idiocy dramas.. idiocy dramas cause abomination amongst the lacks.. abomination leads into resurgent conflicts.. resurgent conflicts propagate oxymoronic actions. Police, please stop these immature adolescents acts. I demand respect, peace and tranquility in my neighborhood status quo per se.. bad leaders will be plunged into hell..

9..if a radio talk show host is a master of obnoxious insults, how about perceptions towards the man that cries?.. " )

8..passion and love cause innumerable dillemmas, and people constantly seek out ways to comprehend these emotions.. passion will probably not vanish anytime soon.. reciprocity is endless..

7..'a shooting star is really NOT a star at all, but meteoroid that enters earth's atmosphere'.. sorry, confusion denied!

6..physiological, safety, 'social, belongingness & love’, 'self-esteem, status & recognition,' and finally 'self-actualization' is all the needs under Maslow's hierachy theory of personality.. at peak, it is not always clear what a person wants..

5..notwithstanding of its excellent quality, ‘brand’ makes the divergence of identical product..

4..political temptation pronounces ‘people power’, alas Divine politicalization presume it does not exist..

3..'as warriors never relinquish, it was the weakest among the thirteen, that killed their strongest arrogant enemy’.. mmm, too much movies after dissertation makes me a philosophist wannabe..

2..elitists emit their intricate religious heterodoxy, while the simplest matters are to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’..

1..another new year had just ended.. another irreversible future to come.. another elusive journey to conquest the past..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Grandiloquences Project 2010 (Categorical Target Words)

Food Crops
..abandon, adversely, aggregate, cultivation, fertilize, intensify, irrigation, obtain, photosynthesis, precipitation..
..anticipate, catastrophic, collide, eruption, famine, flood, impact, persevere, plunge, unleash..
Evolution and Migration
..adapt, diverse, evolve, feature, generation, inherent, migration, physical, process, survive..
Petroluem Alternatives
..constraint, contamination, deplete, dispose of, elementary, emission, extinction, reservoir, shrink, stable..

Time Efficiency
..adjust, arbitrary, denominator, exponentially, infinitesimal, maximize, parallel, proportion, rate, sequence..
Ancient Life
..accuracy, adjacent, compress, feasibility, gut, integrally, overlap, retain, seep, structure..
..circulate, corrode, derive, detection, expeditiously, implement, innovative, installation, maintenance, simulation..
..combustion, component, convey, discretely, nucleus, permeate, rotate, solar, source, trigger..

..acquisition, anomaly, consciously, degrade, gap, indisputable, intervene, intuitively, recede, retreive..
..agnostic, animism, atheist, be inclined to, contemplate, deify, ecclesiastical, exalt, pious, sacrifice..
..aggravate, decrepit, disease, fatality, forensics, persist, prognosis, terminal, vein, wound..
..anesthesia, augment, certifiably, complication, cure, implant, inject, obese, procedure..
..astrological, divination, haunt, horror, intermediary, invoke, mediate, phantom, psychic, self-perpetuating..

..assimilate, cremation, domesticate, folklore, fossilize, relic, rite, ritually, saga, vestige.. Social Inequality
..amend, biased, burden, counter, de facto, discriminate, notion, oppress, paradigm, prejudiced..
..curriculum, distinctly, erudite, fortify, implicitly, parochial, rigor, roster, secular, suspend..
Military Operations
..allegiance, artillery, battle, cease, hierarchy, in the trenches, mobilize, rank, ratio, strategic..
War and Conquest
..annex, apex,
collapse, conquest, devise, invasive, prevailing, resist, severely, violation..
..chronologically, coincide, consequence, core, deny, diminish, longitude, milieu, Orwellian, reconciliation..

Financial Systems
..allocate, commodity, decline, equity, inflation, net, per capita, regulate, subsidy, tangible..
Wealth and Social Class
..accumulate, affluence, elite, improverish, luxury, nobility, prestige, privileged, prosper, working class..
Personal Property

..acquire, assess, asset, hazardous, jointly, lease, lialibility, proprietor, safeguard, sole..
..compensate, dynamic, enterprising, exploit, incentive, industrious, marginal, merit, promote, resign..
International Trade
..distill, entrepreneurial, extract, haggle, intrepid, merchant, proportionately, prototype, reward, shuttle..

..advocate, authority, bitterly, candidate, coalition, contest, election, inaugurate, policy, poll..
A Reasonable Doubt
..accuse, allegedly, civil, convict, guilty, offense, peer, suspect, verdict, witness..
The Police
..apprehend, ascertain, bureaucratic, condemn, evidence, implicate, inquiry, intrusively, seize, surveillance..
Investigating Crimes
..analyze, assail, contrary, hypothesize, impair, inference, objectively, suspicious, tolerate, versus..
Goverment Corruption
..bribery, cycnically, erode, evade, grotesque, integrity, prevalent, reform, scandal, unmask..
Crimes at Sea
..abduction, coerce, detain, deviant, distort, intentionally, piracy, predicament, smuggle, villainy..

The War on Drugs
..addictive, cartel, concentrated, interdict, juxtapose, misconception, modify, potent, residual, subtly..

Family Relationships
..ancestral, cohesion, descendant, inheritance, kin, legitimate, paternal, proximity, sentiment, sibling..
..affection, associate, bond, clique, confide, exclusive, in common, solidarity, willing..
..complex, despondent, devotion, dilemma, engender, loyal, passion, proliferation, reciprocity, vanish..
Negative Emotions
..antipathy, arrogant, berate, contemptous, despise, humiliation, obnoxious, shame, stigmatize, vitriolic..

Social Rebels
..adolescent, cause, conflict, delinquency, fringe, hedonistic, hypocritically, manipulation, rebel, status quo..
Painting and Sculpture
..abstract, context, depict, dimension, esthetically, intrinsic, perspective, portrayal, realism, spectrum..
The Written Word
..advent, ambiguous, connotation, decipher, denote, illiterate, ingenious, inscription, phonetic, symbolic..
..amateurish, cast, charismatic, gala, hilarious, improvisation, incompetent, medium, skit, zeal..
Risky Fashions
..bulk, capricious, cumbersome, exotic, inhibit, minimum, striking, trend, vanity, vulnerable..