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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Doa Menghindarkan Jangkitan Selesema Babi

Pos Ketujuh (Kemaskini 17/08/2009)


Tahassanaatu bizil izzati wal jabaruti, waq’ tasamtu birabbil malakuti, watawakkal tu alal hayallazi la yamutu isrip annalbala'a wal waba’a innaka ala kullishai'in qadir.



Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang

Aku membenteng diri dengan nama Tuhan yang mempunyai kemuliaan dan kekuatan, aku berpegang teguh pada Tuhan yang menguasai alam nyata dan alam ghaib, aku bertawakkal kepada Tuhan yang hidup dan yang tidak mati selama-lamanya. Semoga kiranya Engkau hindarkan kami ya Allah dari bala dan wabak. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Berkuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.


1. Singgah melawat ke blog pensyarah aku sebentar tadi dan Alhamdulillah, ada satu pos berkenaan doa ketika terjadi penyakit menular. Kebetulan aku baru saja lepas baca surat khabar Utusan Malaysia berkenaan dengan beberapa kes kematian semenjak akhir-akhir ini.

2. Wa'ilalkhairi qaribna, wa'anisysharri' ab'idna (dan kepada kebaikan dekatkanlah kami, dan daripada keburukan jauhkanlah kami). Amin, Ya Allah.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kalimah Allah di Langit Pantai Beserah, Kuantan, Malaysia. Bagaimana ia Terbentuk? (How Allah Kalimah Clouds were Formed?)

Sixth Post

Allah berfirman maksudnya: “Hanya milik Allah Al-Asma Al-Husna, maka bermohon kepada-Nya dengan menyebut nama itu.”
(Surah al-A’raf: 180)

1. Assalammualaikum, sahabat-sahabat sekelian. Semoga semua sihat. Masih ingat lagi dengan penyebaran di internet gambar-gambar pembentukkan kalimah Allah di langit Putrajaya beberapa tahun dulu? Kalau kita sudah lupa, atau mungkin yang tidak sempat melihat pos tersebut, mungkin sahabat-sahabat sekelian boleh pergi ke sini. untuk mengimbau kembali pos di dalam blog saya ini.

1. Assalammualaikum, my dear friends. May all are in the pink of health. Do you still remember the spread of photos over the internet about clouds formation that spells Allah in the sky of Putrajaya (Malaysia), back a few years ago? If we already forgotten, or perhaps, didn’t get the opportunity to see the photos, please click here to refresh.

2. Alhamdulillah, saya bersyukur kehadrat Allah SWT, kerana pada tahun lepas, iaitu tahun 2008, sekali lagi saya telah mendapat peluang untuk mengambil gambar pembentukkan kalimah Allah di langit. Dan pada kali kedua tersebut, ia berlaku pada siang hari, dan bukan pada malam hari seperti pada kali pertama. Pada hari tersebut, saya bersama keluarga saya sedang berada di sebuah resort yang terletak disekitar Pantai Beserah, di bandar Kuantan.

2. Alhamdulillah, my thankfulness to Allah, last year, 2008 once again I managed to get the opportunity to shoot the formation of cloud that spells Allah in the sky. And on that second time, it happened in a broad daylight, instead of in a nocturnal during the first time. My family and I were at a resort at Beserah beach, Kuantan (Malaysia).

3. Berikut adalah turutan kumpulan awan yang saya yakin telah membentuk awan kalimah Allah di langit kerana pada pengamatan saya, pembentukan tersebut adalah sangat jelas ejaannya di dalam tulisan Arab.

3. Please find the below sequence, as I am convinced that the formation has obviously spell Allah.

Turutan (Sequence) 1 - Thursday, ‎17 ‎April, ‎2008, ‏‎7:38:04 AM –

a. Saya sedar akan kewujudan pembentukan sekumpulan awan yang agak unik. Dalam hati saya berkata, alahai, tidak dapat hendak ambik gambar matahari naik hari ini. Ada awan halang matahari.

Turutan (Sequence) 2 - Thursday, ‎17 ‎April, ‎2008, ‏‎7:38:20 AM

b. Saya teruskan juga niat untuk ambik gambar matahari naik tersebut, walaupun awan tersebut begitu jelas menghalang dan melindungi matahari.

Turutan (Sequence) 3 - Thursday, ‎17 ‎April, ‎2008, ‏‎7:39:52 AM

c. Hampir seminit lebih berlalu, cahaya matahari mula memancar dengan jelas dari celahan awan. Saya masih lagi berharap untuk mendapatkan gambar yang terbaik.

Turutan (Sequence) 4 - Thursday, ‎17 ‎April, ‎2008, ‏‎7:40:32 AM

d. Pembentukan yang terbaik. Perhatikan pembentukan awan nipis sebelah atas kanan, yang membentuk tanda 'sabdu', sekaligus mengesahkan dan menguatkan lagi kenyataan bahawa, awan ini sebenarnya sedang 'mengeja' dan 'membentuk' kalimah Allah. Perhatikan kembali, tiada pembentukan tanda 'sabdu' pada turutan pertama (1) dan ke-2. Ia mula terbentuk pada turutan ke-3 dan mula jelas kelihatan pada turutan ke-4, iaitu gambar pada komposisi ini. Perhatikan juga, pembentukan huruf ‘ha’ pada hujung sebelah kiri, dari turutan pertama (1) hingga ke-4 ini. Perhatikan juga penyambungan huruf ‘lam’ yang kedua dengan huruf ‘ha’. Hebat kan?

d. This is the best composition. Look carefully at the slight cloud on the right corner above, that clearly formed the mark of 'sabdu', hence confirmed and strenghten the description that the cloud is in the intention on 'making the spelling' of Allah. Please check that there are no mark of 'sabdu' on the first two sequences. It only started to appear on the third (3) sequence and has clearly formed on the fourth (4), which is in this composition. Also note on the formation of arabic alphabet of 'ha' on the left edge corner from sequence 1 to 4. So did the formation of combining the second arabic alphabet of 'lam' and 'ha'. Amazing, isn't it?

Technical details: Please click here

Turutan (Sequence) 5 - Thursday, ‎17 ‎April, ‎2008, ‏‎7:41:14 AM

e. Cahaya matahari semakin menyerlah dan semakin menyilaukan mata saya yang memandang.

Turutan (Sequence) 6 - Thursday, ‎17 ‎April, ‎2008, ‏‎7:41:28 AM

f. Cahaya matahari semakin terus menyinar.

4. Alhamdulillah. Semoga kita semua akan terus mendapat petunjuk dan hidayahNya.

5. InsyaAllah. Amin. " )


Details of Photo; Shoots in the morning at Duta Sands Beach Resort,
Pantai Beserah, Kuantan, Pahang (Malaysia).
Time: ‏‎From 7:38:04 AM to ‏‎7:41:28 AM (Approximately within 4 minutes).
Date: 17th April 2008.
Location: Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.
Camera: Canon 400D.
Photographed by: Saharudin Bin Mohd Dan (

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Package of a Miraculous Moment

Fifth Post

1. Just to heist a little of my time writing a short note here, before I proceed to keep on maneuvering my highly obligatory thesis.

2. A few days ago, I couldn’t stop thinking about being in ‘the package of a miraculous moment’, the moment where I am standing

a) at the right place,
b) at the right time and
c) doing the absolute right thing.

3. Yes, at least once in a year, I wish I could delight myself by dreaming, being in this situation. This ‘magical moment’ apparently will inspire me to keep on doing what I am doing right now. Because the moment that I have just mentioned requires a high self conscious in order to enjoy the particular ‘package’, pre-arranged by the nature.

4. The package moment that I mentioned so far, would refresh back everything in my life, and somehow, it will eventually make me feel like being at the peak of a hill, or perhaps at peak of a high mountain, while breathing the fresh air; The time where I am able to highly rejuvenate myself to the limit.

5. By the time when anybody out there who are reading this, they will not understand my point at this juncture, but wait until I elaborate it more.

6. It all started back in the year 2007. When I managed to shoot
these photos. My excitement was above all. I drove my car and met the local press, trying to make it publish. My thought was to let it be shared with all the Malaysians on what I have captured. But, it was ended up in despairs when the next day, the newspapers just telling the same new stories instead of what I have intended to share at the first place. I kept on waiting for another day after, perhaps they would publish it one day delay, I recalled, before nothing about it was even published and written.

7. Nevertheless, when I post the above thread in this blog, and also share it with my members, the photos and the story was eventually had been widely spread out over the internet. Some even wrote to my e-mail, sharing the assorted feelings about the experience and, as far as I could remembered, I replied all e-mails that had entered my mail box; except one e-mail that argued over what I have accidently captured.

8. The argument was over the technical behind every photo, where it must be clearly defined and shared. Otherwise, it was all nothing more than just a normal photo incident.

9. Hence, in the year 2008, when I managed to capture
another sequel of the so called being in ‘the package of a miraculous moment’, my reaction was totally different. I just pretend like nothing had happened, despite putting a lyric from one of my favorite song, which CD I have frequently played it inside my car.

10. But, until today, I just couldn’t deny myself, that these sequel had gave myself the highest impact of an extraordinary moment in my life.

11. Yesterday, Monday, 20th July 2009, about 10.30am, I was about experiencing the same ‘package of a miraculous moment’ again.

12. Hence, today I decide to refresh back everything that I have captured because, that moment has really, really last forever.

13. Oh, I need to stop now, but I promise to myself, that I will elaborate and post more of the sequel in my next post. In the meantime, I remember my old friend quote. He said, the main recite of a Muslim is all praise is only to the Almighty Allah”, but for myself, my main recite is, "Oh Allah, my God, I am asking for your forgiveness all the time, because I am a sinful man."

14. Subhanallah, wal hamdulillah, wa lailah haillallah, allah hu akhbar . Allah is the Almighty, and all praise is only to Allah, and there’s no God except Allah. Allah is the Greatest.

15. I need to write on further on my thesis. See you soon.. " )

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Extra Careful

Fourth Post

1. No doubt, I have to be extra careful this semester, which is final semester of my postgraduate study.

2. I have to remind myself that, at the edge of every phase of my study, from primary, college, until varsity, I normally would face a kind of obstacle, kind of a curse I think, that would always happen and apparently make my life miserable.

3. I recall during my primary school, after I got the result of 'Penilaian Darjah Lima' exam. At standard six, something depressed happened, until I was caught lying to my 'teaching Al-Quran' teacher about my classroom exam position.

4. So did during my college time, when I need to sit for my SPM trial, and still I could remember it clearly. Code name G-15, something terrible happened. The college management sent a telegram to my parents, until they had to come rushing to the college on the same day they received the telegram. You don't want to know how shameful standing infront of the juniors, until I couldn't feel the Zras! Zras! Zras! pain anymore.

5. It keep on continue even during on my study at the varsity, also something horrifying happened, and it was also during the end of my final year. I was jumping out of my skin, when I saw at the previous semester result, before I had to borrow my brothers' money, to pay fee, for one extra semester I had to extend.

6. I was very insensible to my environment during that time!

7. No! How could I blame any one else for the mistakes that happened, except had endurably experienced the burden while having learnt few hard knock lessons on my head.

8. No! I won't let the same mistake to crop up again this time. I am telling the whole world that I am a wise man now, instead of a gentleman I used to be. A gentleman learns from his own mistake, while a wise man learns from someone else's.

9. Oh, I am still the same person though. Sir above, it is Saturday, 4.00 o'clock in the morning and please don't let the same thing happen again to me this time. I am fully aware about those lessons now.

10. For now, I have shrewd results to remain sturdy and would like to take this opportunity to pay my honourable gratitude to my second semester lecturers.

11. Thank you very much to Professor Madya Dr. Mohamad Khan Bin Jamal Khan, Professor Madya Abdul Aziz Yusof and En. Lukman Bin Wan Daud (OSH The Journey) for the knowledge sharing and your appreciation towards our endless effort while being your students.

12. Aku berikrar, segala ilmu yang aku pelajari adalah untuk aku gunakan pada masa hadapan, dan sijil yang aku kejar hanyalah sebagai kenderaan untuk aku menuju ke destinasi yang ditujui.
(I swear, the knowledge that I am learning is meant for my future undertaking, and the certification that I am racing for is only used as my vehicle that drives me to the future.)

13. InsyaAllah. Amin.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A True Story Movie About Reinhold Messner - The World's Greatest Mountaineer

Third Post

Reinhold Messner
(Photograph by Vincent J. Musi)

1. Last weekend we went out to bring our kids to watch the Transformers - Revenge of The Fallen movie at Alamanda GSC, Putrajaya. I highly appreciate on the special effects created by the CGI experts, and such compliments must be given to the director, Micheal Bay for the outstanding effects.

2. There were uproars in the facebook when it was released on 24 June 2009 in the cinema. Many friends of mine in the
UUM With Hons Portal have changed their ID into the robot characters name alike. Well, after all in a day work, it was indeed fun to let the kid behavior in us to take place, I guessed.

3. Two-and-half-hour movie length, which was from 5.45pm to 8.15pm had gave us full blast of astonishing special effects satisfaction, which are truly mesmerizing and I just couldn’t imagine what’s next after 'transformers', considering its amazing effects created. Perhaps next, we would be amazed by the 3D movies instead of the currently presented on the pale, flat white screen which is a little bit dreary, IMO.

4. There are grumbles about
Transformers II confusing storyline, but it doesn’t bother me much, because we just want to enjoy the CGI effects at the first place.

5. Yet, I still fancy for movies which strength are based on the storyline, if it were not because of the special effects.

6. Most of the time, I favor
movie which is based on a true story, as sometimes it is truly inspiring and am always impressed by how the director blends the story plot, together with the existence of loves while playing around with the audiences’ emotion.

7. Heavy drama such as ‘
A Beautiful Mind’ for instance, is an amazing movie that could be watched over and over again.

The Only Obstacle
(Photograph by Reinhold Messner )

8. Count on me and how much I wish that one day, somebody, a capable
best director out there, would eventually make an arrangement and direct an award winning movie which is based on the real life of Reinhold Messner- The World's Greatest Mountaineer.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Dream Camping Is Around The Corner!

Second Post

1. My MOSH colleagues, the one that usually went out for outdoors’ activities have had an ultimate target to where we should go camping one day. Perhaps it would be achieved after we had finished up the program.

Photo courtesy from flickr zanthia

Auckland Skyline

2. Our aim is high. We want to go camping oversea, really.

3. Blissful Chaplie called me yesterday, telling that he already had his Nikon D60 DSLR, complete with a tripod and few lenses. So, our godfather now has also joint up the team being one of the photography enthusiast that am sure are calmly eager to shoot lots of subject.

4. Being a godfather, he must have wanted to shoot special place that offers lot of sceneries for instance. Hence, we are confident that our aim is indeed close to happen.

Photo courtesy from flickr zanthia

Mount Doom from "Lord of the Rings"

5. A friend of mine, he had just came back from visiting New Zealand last few months. His wife is a stewardess, and he has got the opportunity to do some travelling there. According to him, New Zealand is a very beautiful country that is geographically stunning with its snowy mountains, lovely animals, breathtaking landscapes, friendly people, fine weathers and most importantly, the country also offer very cheap budget accommodations to bag-packers who wants to explore the nature all over the country.

6. He also added that, it would be an honored for him to make a come back and explore more off that All Black’s country. In short, it has been known that, for international-bag-packers-to-be like us, we would be in a very comfort journey if we have around RM5,000.00 per pax, to be spent on for 7 days and 6 nights trip there, inclusive of the flight tickets, back and fourth.

7. So, now, we are in the midst of ‘kumpui duit’ to make our dream to come true. The response among us is immensely encouraging, and as long as we have our godfather, Mr. Chaplie, as our ‘guidance angel’, I believe a few photos of us, posing with bluish and snowy mountain background, would be published here in future posting one day. Not to mention of few photos of us talking, with our breath vapouring out of our mouth. No I don't think so, unless it is during winter season right? " )

Photo courtesy from flickr zanthia

West Coast Near Haast

8. For records, according to Global Peace Index Ranking, New Zealand has been named as top ranking for the most peaceful country on earth for 2009. For the last 3 years, it’s been maintaining its position among the top 4 ranking.

9. Cayalah. Peeeewwwwiiittt.

10. Matlamat utama yang penting ialah 'kumpui duit' dulu!
(The main important point is to do some saving first!)

Time On My Own

First Post

Time On My Own
(Mobile Phone Photo)

Some update..

1. I still haven’t got my second semester results, and I am roiled by the delay with unintelligent reasons. FYI, results in hand can create such ‘momentum’ for a fresh start of new semester. At this junture, it is disgraceful knowing that it's been spoilt up. (Speak of the devil, my friend called me this morning telling that the result is ready for collection). Oh, what would it be?

2. My wife’s officemates say the photos I have shot during family days at Cherating were ‘okay’. But, being frankly, I could have done it better with more effects of ‘motion’ and ‘rim lighting’. These could be great experiments for my next photography session.

3. My x-ray result says my lung fields are clear apart from scattered fibrosis. Scattered fibrosis? Ishhh.. that sounds terrible man. Syukur Alhamdulillah, I am still in a good shape. The pain that stays was a consequence of a minor tissue torn when I had tumbled down during family days' volleyball game.

4. I read ‘
ocean poems' and tried to write down one poem on my own. My words’ power sucks, but I still keep on reading. I wish I am a poet, (instead of I could be invisible!). " )

5. I recently temporary deactivated my facebook account. Suddenly I thought, I need to spend some time on my own. I need privacy.

6. I am unfit and have gained weight. I need to exercise moderately.

7. I have done and submitted my three months’ monthly claim. Yesss...

8. I am close to end of the semester. I need to highly focus, highly focus on few things which are;

a) Assignments
b) Thesis
c) Jobs
d) Family
e) Few close contacts (for friends update)

9. Photography is still my stress therapy.

Masa yang berlalu terlalu pantas, atau aku manusia yang terleka?
(Is time running out fast or am I such an oblivious man?)

Family Days ~ Suria Cherating Beach Resort (26-28 Jun 2009)
