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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Package of a Miraculous Moment

Fifth Post

1. Just to heist a little of my time writing a short note here, before I proceed to keep on maneuvering my highly obligatory thesis.

2. A few days ago, I couldn’t stop thinking about being in ‘the package of a miraculous moment’, the moment where I am standing

a) at the right place,
b) at the right time and
c) doing the absolute right thing.

3. Yes, at least once in a year, I wish I could delight myself by dreaming, being in this situation. This ‘magical moment’ apparently will inspire me to keep on doing what I am doing right now. Because the moment that I have just mentioned requires a high self conscious in order to enjoy the particular ‘package’, pre-arranged by the nature.

4. The package moment that I mentioned so far, would refresh back everything in my life, and somehow, it will eventually make me feel like being at the peak of a hill, or perhaps at peak of a high mountain, while breathing the fresh air; The time where I am able to highly rejuvenate myself to the limit.

5. By the time when anybody out there who are reading this, they will not understand my point at this juncture, but wait until I elaborate it more.

6. It all started back in the year 2007. When I managed to shoot
these photos. My excitement was above all. I drove my car and met the local press, trying to make it publish. My thought was to let it be shared with all the Malaysians on what I have captured. But, it was ended up in despairs when the next day, the newspapers just telling the same new stories instead of what I have intended to share at the first place. I kept on waiting for another day after, perhaps they would publish it one day delay, I recalled, before nothing about it was even published and written.

7. Nevertheless, when I post the above thread in this blog, and also share it with my members, the photos and the story was eventually had been widely spread out over the internet. Some even wrote to my e-mail, sharing the assorted feelings about the experience and, as far as I could remembered, I replied all e-mails that had entered my mail box; except one e-mail that argued over what I have accidently captured.

8. The argument was over the technical behind every photo, where it must be clearly defined and shared. Otherwise, it was all nothing more than just a normal photo incident.

9. Hence, in the year 2008, when I managed to capture
another sequel of the so called being in ‘the package of a miraculous moment’, my reaction was totally different. I just pretend like nothing had happened, despite putting a lyric from one of my favorite song, which CD I have frequently played it inside my car.

10. But, until today, I just couldn’t deny myself, that these sequel had gave myself the highest impact of an extraordinary moment in my life.

11. Yesterday, Monday, 20th July 2009, about 10.30am, I was about experiencing the same ‘package of a miraculous moment’ again.

12. Hence, today I decide to refresh back everything that I have captured because, that moment has really, really last forever.

13. Oh, I need to stop now, but I promise to myself, that I will elaborate and post more of the sequel in my next post. In the meantime, I remember my old friend quote. He said, the main recite of a Muslim is all praise is only to the Almighty Allah”, but for myself, my main recite is, "Oh Allah, my God, I am asking for your forgiveness all the time, because I am a sinful man."

14. Subhanallah, wal hamdulillah, wa lailah haillallah, allah hu akhbar . Allah is the Almighty, and all praise is only to Allah, and there’s no God except Allah. Allah is the Greatest.

15. I need to write on further on my thesis. See you soon.. " )

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