These are what the family guys did when they asked their wives' permission for an outing midnight. The photos speak for itself. Did I tell you that we are a bunch of nice thrustworthy guys? Trust us. We really are.. " )
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Putrajaya TNE (Trial & Error) [4 Photos]
These are what the family guys did when they asked their wives' permission for an outing midnight. The photos speak for itself. Did I tell you that we are a bunch of nice thrustworthy guys? Trust us. We really are.. " )
Monday, December 04, 2006
My Most Viewed Photo (Click Here!)

A Moment on the Cruise of Nightmare..
Click HERE!
This photo was taken some times during my shooting alone at the nearest beach around. The interior of this old boat was quite scary. But somehow I noticed the attractive view and snapping it would be interesting, I thought. I didn’t want to spend much of my time. I jumped out of the boat soonest as I finished the shoot. In other words, I didn’t really focus of my photo outcome instead of snap and ‘cabut’. Arrived home, I was frustrated because it was overexposed! Nothing but high white light had came out from the windows.
But I still love the view.
At first I thought I wanted to work on the title of ‘memoirs of a fisherman’s poor abstinence..”. My idea changed when I play around with the color saturation. I noticed of those spooky feelings again.
I worked this on the background of another poor cloudy sunset photo, shot off the same day.
Moral of photography:
Appreciate your effort even though it has came up to debris in results.
A few changes you made could be much worthy to the eyes of 'the others'..
uhuk uhuk. " )
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Teh Tarik Session Before 1427 Hijrah Eid (20/10/2006)

We were about to have our one whole week holiday when Mr. Zubair had wished us for a Teh Tarik session about a week before. He is currently working in the UK with a global IT company, and there are quite a number of us who are working and further studying aboard. And of course, that do not count of those who are always travelling overseas for their jobs or business trips outstation. (see also Mr. Dwi Indra here)
All these highlighted were not for bragging purposes however, but just to convey my gratitude in my journal to some achievements made by my friends that graduated from my former local university. Never meant to underrate anybody being my respectful friends and I hope that everybody would get it all right at the first place.
In the spirit of camaraderies, as well as the excitement for the long awaited Eid celebration, many had turned up for this gathering.
For records, after this gathering, Mr. Faizal was flying off to Marseille, France from 24/10/2006 until 11/11/2006, and he had celebrated his first day of Eid on the airplane, of course " )! On the 12/11/2006, I took my turn for my job trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand and hope to share my experiences and photos with you, by-passers soon.
In addition, on behalf of those who had presented this gathering; Many thanks to Mr. Awea and Mr. Shahrunizan a.k.a GQ for settling the bills.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Ramadan Breaking Fast at Danau Golf Club, UKM Bangi (15/10/2006)
Assalamualaikum ...
Alhamdulillah, majlis berbuka puasa yang kita rancangkan telah selamat diadakan
pada 15/10/2006. Antara yang hadir ke majlis tersebut adalah:
1. Ahmad Rithauddin (Ara)
2. Anas Salehuddin
3. Anisurahman (Aney), Wife & Baby
4. Asyrul Hakim (Hakim Jr)
5. Azhar Omar
6. Bad Lalih, Wife & 3 Kids
7. Black Cat, Wife & 4 Kids
8. Blek Dwi Indra
9. Bob BDU, Wife & Baby
10. Capah, Effa & Son
11. Dato’ Pieq
12. Hairil & Wife
13. Hakim (Jaafar)
14. Jalaque
15. Mahmood
16. Nooran, Rafeah & Son
17. Shuhaimy (Abon)
18. Taqi Mohamed Osman
19. Tobak, Wife & Kid
20. Ucop

Hujan lebat yang turut sekitar jam 6:00 pm menyebabkan beberapa agenda yang
dirancang tidak dapat dilaksanakan termasuklah majlis tahlil.

Kita pun sepatutnya makan kat dalam ruang makan yang bertutup tapi last minute
Danau alihkan tempat coz ada majlis buka puasa staff UKM ngan VC depa kat situ.

Tempat makan kat luar tu pun basah coz hujan lebat earlier, so terpaksalah kita
makan kat depan bilik TV tu. Kebetulan plak bekalan air ada problem plak.

So, dengan penuh rendah diri aku mohon maaf atas sebarang kesulitan & masalah yang timbul.

Apa pun, terima kasih sekali lagi pada yang hadir. Korang memang sporting habis.
Yang lain yg tak dapat hadir TQ gak for your support. Maybe we could arrange
another session pada lain waktu & tempat.

Sekali lagi, terima kasih pada semua.
Salam Aidil Fitri daripada aku (Azhar Omar) & family (Normeeza Sahidin Acct UUM
serta anak-anak).
Blog owner reply that represents all;
Atok! For us, it's not a big deal at all! Your effort is much worth than everything.
It's been a while we haven't met and we have had our good times flocking together.
We already finished the delicious meals. The rest; spending quality time with each others are the most expensive matters.
We thank you for allocating your time organizing the gratifying event.
(I wouldn't noticed all that until you forwarded this email, though! hehehe!)
Friday, October 20, 2006
Happy Aidilfitri Celebration 1427 Hijrah!
Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Aidilfitri Celebration, literally means Day of Celebration. Muslims in Malaysia celebrate Aidilfitri like other Muslims throughout the world. It is the biggest holiday in Malaysia, and is the most awaited one. Shopping malls and bazaars will be filled with people days ahead of Hari Raya, causing a distinctive festive atmosphere throughout the country. Many banks, government and private offices will be closed on this day, which at many time lasts until a week.
The night before Aidilfitri will be filled with the 'takbir' which is held in the mosques or musollas. In many parts of Malaysia, especially in rural areas, oil lamps or 'pelita' will be lit up in house compounds. Aidilfitri also witnesses a huge migratory pattern of the Muslims, from big metropolitan cities to rural areas. This is known as 'balik kampung'~ literally going back to home town to celebrate Aidilfitri with one's parents. Special dishes like ketupat, a type of rice cake; lemang and other Malay delicacies are served during this day.
It is customary for Malays to wear traditional Malay costumes on the Eid. The dress for men is called baju melayu which is worn together with songket while the women's are known as baju kurung and baju kebaya. It is also common to see non-Malay Muslims wear costumes of their culture.
Once the prayer is completed, it is also common for Muslims in Malaysia to visit the grave of their loved ones. During this visit, they will clean the grave, perform the recital of the Yasin, a chapter from the Holy Book of Al-Quran. All these are done in hope that their loved ones are blessed by Allah.
Muslims will also seek forgiveness from each other, forgetting past sins and renewing their relationship with others. In Malaysia, the most common greeting is 'Maaf Zahir dan Batin', simply meaning 'I seek forgiveness from my heart and soul'.
The rest of the day is spent visiting relatives, or serving visitors. Aidilfitri is a very joyous day for children for this is the day where adults are extra generous. Children will be given token sums of money, also known as 'duit raya' from their parents or elders.
Maaf Zahir Dan Batin!
Saharudin Mohd Dan,
Nadilla Mohd Kamil & Muadzam Akhtar Saharudin
PS: 1st Syawal 1427 = 24th October 2006
Photos of celebration will be uploaded soon..!
Stories are excerpt from with little amendments!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Happy Birthday To You!

A year passed by and along came the first birthday celebration for the new-comer; a simple gathering, celebrated with atok (grandfather), nenek (grandmother), auntie, mama and abah (father). You didn’t even know how to blow out the candle when we finished singing you your birthday song. However, your eyes indeed told us that you understood that the celebration was dedicated to you. The presents really tickled your enthusiasm and impatience. They were yet another exciting element in your whole new world of wonders and curiosities. You held, you grabbed, you pulled, you seized, and everything eventually ended up wet inside your mouth. On the rest of the day, you climbed, you stumbled, you laughed and you cried as well, as you were a fine example of a happy, healthy toddler.
Everyone, mama especially, would scream every time when they noticed you were doing your unsafe stunt acts again and again.
We all compassionately care for you and love you profoundly.
Happy 1st birthday to you!
Friday, July 21, 2006

Success is not a destination, son.
It is the journey and competition while running through your lanes of life.
Your journey of succes has already begun. It happens with your notice not, even.
For what your parents could do is to build the platform, greater possible.
Thus in future, you can take off and fly by spreading your own wings.
Freely, high. Up above the skies. Anywhere, everywhere, anytime
while being of such a wise, victorious man. Someday.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The Introduction

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won, had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
~Poetry courtesy from an old postcard given by a friend long long time ago.
Photo dated 05/04/2006, Kuala Lumpur
Friday, June 16, 2006
My Futsal Story

It all started by end of 2003, when I accidently dropped by at a futsal's barn at Subang Jaya to meet my ex-collegians of former college. Then, by coincidence there was another group of senior colleagues from my former varsity who were playing futsal there as well. The next day, I suggested in my egroups to having a friendly match with those seniors. My suggestion was unlikely accepted well. Most members in the group feels that they were old and loosen. They gave the feedbacks that the tournament whould be more interesting if only played within the members of the egroups. We are all from the same batch.

So, apparently, there goes the start off for our annual gathering. 28th March 2004 has been our first and for three subsequent years, we have managed the tournament and enjoyed it successfully. The first tourney is the most happening as lots of efforts have been put in by the organizer. They've been selling t-shirts, invites futsal team from Astro, which consist of player of popular Era Radio DJ, Jamal Jamaluddin, and inviting local artist of Malay-Arabian singer of Waheeda, who appeared to be as the ex-student of our former varsity too.
The tournament is consistently held by the hope that it will be maintained every year. Until 2006, we have had our fund, banner, round cups for league and overall champion. There also goes medal for every team players for the first and second places. Some good Samaritans have also contributed few tokens for the categories of the best player and ‘the most enjoyable player’.
2006 Overall Champion ~ Khap Khun Khap FC
From Left: Jiboi, Ully, Leh, Lihin, Badirul, Upai, ET and Jakpo
Kids From Left: Ully's Buddy and Badirul's Son
By this gathering, we eventually managed to get hold few of our colleagues from Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Pahang, Kelantan and Kedah in which, they wouldn’t have to come down here in Kuala Lumpur if there's no such tournament like this little effort we did.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
My Self Portrait
running through the highway of times, jungles of virtue and mountains of sin.
My confession for being hopeless by the blowing winds of old memories,
the moments when I am deeply missing You.
Karak Highway ~ 09/04/2003
My Favourite Photos

This is only a boring fountain which is located at Dataran Merdeka (Independence Square), Kuala Lumpur. I wouldn’t have to notice it existence until I saw a photo of it published in a local digital camera magazine. I just couldn’t wait any longer but grabbed my digital camera and shoot this. Gets more about this fountain here.

It was a fine weekend when my family and I went for a shopping at Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur. After buying some plastic-wrapped-durian (favourite local fruit) at the Carrefour hypermarket there, we decided to hang around at the Wetland Lake while eating and enjoyed the delicious taste of durian. Well, since the camera is always with me, this is it!

The title is quite odd isn’t it? This is an abstract of my favourite Yamaha F310 acoustic guitar. It was bought from my first salary when I was working at Sony Malaysia. It is the bridge of the guitar that made off from the rosewood. So, there goes the title. I like to play guitar but I only play it for fun. I can play some stuff from the Smashing Pumpkins, Eric Clapton, Dire Straits, Nirvana, Guns and Roses and some of favourite Malaysian local groups, singer and songwriter such as Search, Wings and M.Nasir.

If you notice, there are two kings in this photo. One is the famous blues singer of BB King and the other, is the decisive King of the chess. I like both of these kings because of his own triumph in blues music and his special function in the chess game respectively. Whatever it takes, both of these kings are only intended for fun and entertainment. It is definitely unlike the real kings that we have in the real world. You will get yourself beheaded if you make fun of them! Hahaha!
This is the story of how BB King gets the name for his famous Lucille guitar. Please read it as you will find the truthful world of Blues in the real meaning of it.