Bro.. I always love when u use the technique on the photo like the 1st pic..the tuk tuk..i named it..ajar aa sket bro..hehe
The 2nd pic - Voila! I like that gal with long hair (hoping that she looks like Britney..d'oh)
The 3rd pic - did u manage to get the melody from that classic instrument? music is universal bro..that's what sifu M.Nasir did with his music...not to forget ya idol as well..Papa Rock..yeah!
i think the word 'share' is better.. the post processing was done with PS CS2, using colour balance, level, curves, few layers and filter functions. it's all basic. radial blur was used in the 1st pic.
sounds technical? wait until i finished my plantation science 1 & 2- general and soil.. " )
2nd pic? dude.. for sure her skin is much better than BS.
3rd- serius bro, their music is beautiful, of course it was not like beethoveen's materials, but always trancendental by its own originality.
I always love when u use the technique on the photo like the 1st pic..the tuk tuk..i named it..ajar aa sket bro..hehe
The 2nd pic - Voila! I like that gal with long hair (hoping that she looks like Britney..d'oh)
The 3rd pic - did u manage to get the melody from that classic instrument? music is universal bro..that's what sifu M.Nasir did with his music...not to forget ya idol as well..Papa Rock..yeah!
Keep snappin' yeah!
i think the word 'share' is better.. the post processing was done with PS CS2, using colour balance, level, curves, few layers and filter functions. it's all basic. radial blur was used in the 1st pic.
sounds technical? wait until i finished my plantation science 1 & 2- general and soil.. " )
2nd pic? dude.. for sure her skin is much better than BS.
3rd- serius bro, their music is beautiful, of course it was not like beethoveen's materials, but always trancendental by its own originality.
shoot.. jgn tak shoot " )
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