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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ramadan Breaking Fast at Danau Golf Club, UKM Bangi (15/10/2006)

Organizer's e-mail to the egroups dated Sun Oct 15, 2006 5:31 pm

Assalamualaikum ...

Alhamdulillah, majlis berbuka puasa yang kita rancangkan telah selamat diadakan
pada 15/10/2006. Antara yang hadir ke majlis tersebut adalah:

1. Ahmad Rithauddin (Ara)
2. Anas Salehuddin
3. Anisurahman (Aney), Wife & Baby
4. Asyrul Hakim (Hakim Jr)
5. Azhar Omar
6. Bad Lalih, Wife & 3 Kids
7. Black Cat, Wife & 4 Kids
8. Blek Dwi Indra
9. Bob BDU, Wife & Baby
10. Capah, Effa & Son
11. Dato’ Pieq
12. Hairil & Wife
13. Hakim (Jaafar)
14. Jalaque
15. Mahmood
16. Nooran, Rafeah & Son
17. Shuhaimy (Abon)
18. Taqi Mohamed Osman
19. Tobak, Wife & Kid
20. Ucop

Hujan lebat yang turut sekitar jam 6:00 pm menyebabkan beberapa agenda yang
dirancang tidak dapat dilaksanakan termasuklah majlis tahlil.

Kita pun sepatutnya makan kat dalam ruang makan yang bertutup tapi last minute
Danau alihkan tempat coz ada majlis buka puasa staff UKM ngan VC depa kat situ.

Tempat makan kat luar tu pun basah coz hujan lebat earlier, so terpaksalah kita
makan kat depan bilik TV tu. Kebetulan plak bekalan air ada problem plak.

So, dengan penuh rendah diri aku mohon maaf atas sebarang kesulitan & masalah yang timbul.

Apa pun, terima kasih sekali lagi pada yang hadir. Korang memang sporting habis.
Yang lain yg tak dapat hadir TQ gak for your support. Maybe we could arrange
another session pada lain waktu & tempat.

Sekali lagi, terima kasih pada semua.

Salam Aidil Fitri daripada aku (Azhar Omar) & family (Normeeza Sahidin Acct UUM
serta anak-anak).

Blog owner reply that represents all;

Atok! For us, it's not a big deal at all! Your effort is much worth than everything.
It's been a while we haven't met and we have had our good times flocking together.
We already finished the delicious meals. The rest; spending quality time with each others are the most expensive matters.

We thank you for allocating your time organizing the gratifying event.

(I wouldn't noticed all that until you forwarded this email, though! hehehe!)


Anonymous said...

nice gathering sorry tak dapat datang sbb masa tu aku stuck kat rawang from Tapah due to heavy rain.....


Santai Blogger said...

yep.. very 'cats and dogs' indeed.. i remember a small flood occurred at the golf club entrance..

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that. Risau gak aku kalau ada yg kurang memuaskan. Yg pasti, memang best dapat jumpa ramai2 cam tu. Waiting for pix our last gathering kat Gazebo tu. Kalu tak silap aku lebih 20 yg turned up malam tu. Ingatkan aku sorang je yg 1st time lepak kat situ, rupanya ramai lagi yg cam aku gak. :)

/atok azhar

Anonymous said...

although i've missed out this anyway am looking forward to join if there's still on 2007..would love to join...


Anonymous said...

salams tobby! voila! keep up the warm spirit aite? mana chieng mai? nak nengokkk..heheh