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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Extra Careful

Fourth Post

1. No doubt, I have to be extra careful this semester, which is final semester of my postgraduate study.

2. I have to remind myself that, at the edge of every phase of my study, from primary, college, until varsity, I normally would face a kind of obstacle, kind of a curse I think, that would always happen and apparently make my life miserable.

3. I recall during my primary school, after I got the result of 'Penilaian Darjah Lima' exam. At standard six, something depressed happened, until I was caught lying to my 'teaching Al-Quran' teacher about my classroom exam position.

4. So did during my college time, when I need to sit for my SPM trial, and still I could remember it clearly. Code name G-15, something terrible happened. The college management sent a telegram to my parents, until they had to come rushing to the college on the same day they received the telegram. You don't want to know how shameful standing infront of the juniors, until I couldn't feel the Zras! Zras! Zras! pain anymore.

5. It keep on continue even during on my study at the varsity, also something horrifying happened, and it was also during the end of my final year. I was jumping out of my skin, when I saw at the previous semester result, before I had to borrow my brothers' money, to pay fee, for one extra semester I had to extend.

6. I was very insensible to my environment during that time!

7. No! How could I blame any one else for the mistakes that happened, except had endurably experienced the burden while having learnt few hard knock lessons on my head.

8. No! I won't let the same mistake to crop up again this time. I am telling the whole world that I am a wise man now, instead of a gentleman I used to be. A gentleman learns from his own mistake, while a wise man learns from someone else's.

9. Oh, I am still the same person though. Sir above, it is Saturday, 4.00 o'clock in the morning and please don't let the same thing happen again to me this time. I am fully aware about those lessons now.

10. For now, I have shrewd results to remain sturdy and would like to take this opportunity to pay my honourable gratitude to my second semester lecturers.

11. Thank you very much to Professor Madya Dr. Mohamad Khan Bin Jamal Khan, Professor Madya Abdul Aziz Yusof and En. Lukman Bin Wan Daud (OSH The Journey) for the knowledge sharing and your appreciation towards our endless effort while being your students.

12. Aku berikrar, segala ilmu yang aku pelajari adalah untuk aku gunakan pada masa hadapan, dan sijil yang aku kejar hanyalah sebagai kenderaan untuk aku menuju ke destinasi yang ditujui.
(I swear, the knowledge that I am learning is meant for my future undertaking, and the certification that I am racing for is only used as my vehicle that drives me to the future.)

13. InsyaAllah. Amin.



salam bro ...

rasanye semua org ada the same experience cam tu ...during the SPM days trial result was among the best in Alam Shah ...and teachers have listed me as one of the students who'll be flying strait for ATU (American Top U ) program ...tapi something happens actual result was sangat teruk ....tapi macam hang cakap la ..real man learns from mistake ..

Santai Blogger said...

salam bro.. tak sangka pulak perkara sama telah berlaku kat hang! tapi, trikas bro sbb kongsi cerita!

wah syiok neh tulis blog.. lama2 aku rasa makin bercanggah idea2 nak tulis nih.. rasa macam 'beberapa penyelesaian' jugak dapat dapat diselesaikan atau dirungkaikan.. dgn berfikir, apa nak tulis kat blog nih!

ok, aku ada beberapa buah fikiran yang akan aku curahkan dalam blog ni nanti, ianya berkisar pada kisah2 pengalaman semasa yang bulleh dikongsikan.

pasal pos kali ni, selalunya perkara ni terjadik bila kita berada pada satu keadaan yang 1)'selesa', atau 2)'lupa diri'. Dari pengalaman aku, selalunya no dua tulah yang menjadi puncanya.

tapi, aku sedar jugak beb.. kelemahan adalah disebabkan oleh, kerapuhan seseorang itu berpaut kepada 'prinsip' yang kita perlu ada.

keteguhan berpegang kepada 'prinsip' yang benar, tidak akan menyebabkan kita meletakkan kesalahan kepada orang lain tapi menyedari kesilapan diri sendiri..