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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

First Impressions Last Forever (Abah Story, Part 2)

Second Post

..anak-anak abah must be able to give the BEST performance that will eventually impress the audience especially if it is your FIRST time.

First Impressions Last Forever

1. ‘First Impressions Last Forever’, is a quote that abah got during one of abah lecture while pursuing the Master program. Being specific, it was abruptly touched and suggested by ‘lecturer abah’ , En. Lukman (soon Dr. Lukman) during one of his OSH Management System lecture.

2. The quote is another case that really gives abah another guidance in abah life. Abah have a lot of quotes that abah could remember, but as time goes by, perhaps abah will pass on some good quotes for which that has came across into abah mind.

3. Abah remember when abah first attend the first lecture, and it was back in the month of October, 2008. The lecturer, Dr. Anuar Suun, an associate professor and also a physician had asked the students to write types of occupational diseases and present it in front of the class. Abah was so impressed by abah new colleagues as they were so knowledgable and had aggressively giving their opinions and thoughts.

4. Abah was also impressed by the title of abah new colleagues that time, as most of them are professionals such as medical doctor, magistrate, army officers, police officers, engineers, safety practitioners, oil and gas professional, certified trainers, medical assistant, businessman, lecturers and few other fields mostly that abah has mentioned.

5. As usual, when abah were in this kind of situation, certainly abah had practiced the other quote that abah remember which is; it's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. Abah has read this somewhere, and it is true for some good reasons.'s better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. Abah has read this somewhere..

6. So fortunate, the short assignment was given into groups and abah managed to escape. Hehehe.. " )

7. Nevertheless, abah is not saying that anak-anak abah must play the role of escapism all the time, but what abah wants to convey is, anak-anak abah must be able to get prepared at all the time.

..anak-anak abah must be able to get prepared at all the time.

8. Hence, when anak-anak abah were given the opportunity to present something, anak-anak abah must be able to give the BEST performance that will eventually impress the audience especially if it is your FIRST time.

9. On that FIRST time, you must give your audience something which is beyond the expectation of others, and InsyaAllah, in no doubt, a successful person is the one that manage to uphold the VERY BEST of that first impressions.

10. Please remember, that 'First Impressions Last Forever'.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Cerita Abah (Bahagian 1)

Pos Pertama
Cerita 1

(An Attempt to Capture)
Rim Lighting

1. Masa abah kerja luar pejabat, abah suka lepak dengan kawan-kawan baru.

2. Abah tidak kira pun status mereka, tua, muda, besar, kecil, kaya, miskin, semua abah boleh berkawan. Dalam hati abah kata, yang penting abah kena berhati-hati, khuatir kalau kena tipu. Maklumlah, banyak barang-barang berharga abah bawa bersama.

3. Tapi abah selalu bertawakal, sebab abah ada satu keyakinan diri yang tinggi dengan kejujuran dan keikhlasan yang abah ada. Lagi satu, abah selalu ada satu niat dalam hati iaitu, "abah suka belajar".

4. Ada sahabat abah kata, kalau kita buat apa-apa pun, dengan niat hendak belajar, InsyaAllah, alasan itu boleh diterima kalau kita terrrrrbuat silap. Apa yang penting, kena sentiasa berhati-hati dan buat pembetulan kalau terrrrrrbuat salah.

5. Macam-macam jenis orang abah sudah jumpa.

6. Ada suatu masa ni, masa abah keluar, abah ada jumpa seorang kawan baru, dia kata dia baru jatuh pokok kelapa.

7. Masa kami lepak-lepak, puas dia cerita pada dua orang awek Minah Saleh, al-kisah pengalaman yang dia baru jatuh pokok kelapa.

8. Cerita dia lebih kurang macam inilah. "When I was at the peak of the coconut tree to pluck the young coconuts, suddenly, a king cobra appeared in front of me. The snake made the sound.....Psssssssstttttttt!"

9. Minah Saleh tu punyalah terpegun, "wow! really? that's sound horrible! what happened then?"

10. Kawan baru abah tu jawab, "what happened? I was so surprised until I released both of my hands from holding the frond! To my surprise, I was falling off the tree. No hands, no hands!" cerita kawan abah gembira siap dengan gaya-gaya sekali. Abah tumpang sekaki ketawa. Abah diam saja.

11. Kawan abah sambung, "while falling down, I was looking down to the earth, still too far, looking back above, I could see the snake 'bye-bye' to me. I felt like the time was moving so slow. No hands, no hands." Dua-dua Minah Saleh tu pun ketawa, tapi taksub.

12. Minah Saleh tu pun kata, "oh dear, that was sooooooo terrible, but I am so glad you are still alive!"

13. Kawan abah jawab lagi, "yeah, few people died here because they had fallen off the coconut trees."

14. Minah saleh tu jawab balik, "wow, you must be such an amazing person then!" kemudian kami terus lepak panjang.

15. Sampai hari ini abah masih musykil, ilmu apalah agaknya kawan abah tu pakai, sampai jatuh pokok kelapa pun macam seronok saja. " )

Cerita 2

(Looking at The Sea Thru The Window of Hotel Primula,
Pantai Batu Buruk, Trengganu)

1. Nanti, kalau abah ada masa, abah cerita kisah masa abah lepak dengan orang banyak duit pula. Phuhhhh, masa tu abah rasa macam abah ni miskin gila!

2. Tapi, nasib baik abah ada kawan lain yang kongsi cerita dia.

3. Dia kata, kita kena sentiasa bersyukur kepada Allah SWT. Bagaimana cara kita bersyukur bukan hanya dengan berkata "syukur Alhamdulillah!" Itu tidak cukup.

4. Sebaliknya, syukur yang benar-benar bersyukur ialah dengan meninggalkan apa yang dilarang olehNya, dan melakukan apa yang disuruh olehNya.

5. Salah satu cara bagaimana kita menyampaikan kesyukuran kita kepada Allah SWT ialah dengan tidak meninggalkan solat lima waktu.

6. Sampai hari ni abah ingat lagi pesan kawan abah yang seorang ni.

7. Dia kata, "kalau kita sekadar cakap 'syukur Alhamdulillah', itu masih belum dikira bersyukur, kita kena sembahyang."

8. Masa sembahyang, kita kena tahu rukun-rukun sembahyang dan menghayati maksud bacaan-bacaan dalam sembahyang." kata kawan abah tu lagi. Dia orang Jawa.

9. Anak-anak abah nanti kenalah rajin sembahyang sebagai tanda kesyukuran kita kepada Allah SWT.

10. Allah SWT ada kata (berfirman), lagi kita bersyukur, lagi Allah tambah nikmat kepada diri kita.

11. ....Ommmmmelll anak-anak abah nie! syukur Alhamdulillah.. a'ah, tak cukup tu! " )