1. Alhamdulillah. We had a great camping trip this weekend, despite a little rain. We went out with several other old and new friends, so there were a total of twelve of us, with the youngest at nineteen, and the oldest being thirty seven. We went out to Lata Meraung (Screaming Waterfall), which is about fifteen minutes drive from Jerantut, Pahang.

2. Two days one night camping was not a bad experience at all. Four students from Consist College, Wangsa Melawati, two new friends from Jasni’s workplace and us; the favourite five, Chaplie, Gadik, Jasni, Faizal and myself, plus a specially invited friend of mine, the honourable En. Kamaruddin Khari a.k.a Blek, which was so kind that had allowing some of us to lodge into his wide, Toyota Innova MPV. Thank you Blek, may Allah will continue cheapen your good fortune.

3. This time, our camping theme was a little bit different. We just need 1) to camp aside at a waterfall, 2) having our good barbeque and 3) bathing under the rushing down waterfall. Last time our objective was 1) to do jungle trekking, 2) terjun tiruk (diving) and 3) go fishing.
4. Hence, after all, we did achieve our objective this time just like the first trip organized, in fact we had done it better, because at first, we thought we were going to jungle trekking about thirty minutes before we reached the waterfall, but thank you to blissful Chaplie, the one who recommended us the place; when we realized that it only took us less then ten minutes to reach the campsite.

5. With our complete, hard-core, otai (old-timer), 50 to 60 liters fully occupied with camping equipments; everything had turned-up into a big laughter when things were not just like as what we expected. The outrageous part was, even the one who recommended us the place, Mr. Chaplie, was looking so impressived with his new, Deuter, 60 littres bagpack, which was so convincing to us in the first place.

6. Hahaha. Buddy, we just want to enjoy ourselves, and you managed to break the ice just immediately when we reached the nature's bounty.

7. Nevertheless, the Lata Meraung is absolutely a fantastic waterfall. It heights about 40 meters, with branches of falling water crushing down into around a 35 meters wide, not so deep waterpond area. It was indeed marvellous!

8. If you stay under the major waterfall, you can feel the impact of 30 to 40 kilograms of continuously rushing water that hits your head and body, which apparently turns your body colour into reddish before you relinquish, and let yourself being push forward by the rushing waters. While it falls onto your body, you can scream out the hell as loudest as you could just to realize that your screaming is 'nothing' in contrary with the sounds of the waterfalls.

9. There it goes where I thought why she gets its name of ‘Meraung’ (Screaming) Waterfall.

10. During this camping, we managed to roast marinated fresh Patin and Tilapia fishes, coated with wild banana leaf in the inner and aluminium foil in the outer. As a result, it had turned out into a finely roasted, juicy, tasty, fresh barbequed fishes meal, and when dipped into the hot, spicy mixed ingredients of special ketchup prepared by our brilliant chef cook, Mr. Gadik, the meals were just tremendously unforgettable! It was mouthwatering still!

11. Last but not least, personally, no matter how enjoyful our camping this time, half of my heart is still at home, supposedly playing with my kids.
12. So, the excitement does not just stop here, I just have another plan to go out camping with my family.

13. Time to start calling up my ex-RMC / UUM colleagues for a family outing perhaps.
14. Wanna join me folks? You have my handpone number right? Give me a buzz.
Kau tak patut Din upload gambar aku tengah makan....
Tapi tak per janji 'Fun'
pergh... berslera tol abg bju kuning 2 mkn.. huhuhuhu.. maklom la sndri masak..!!!
gambo2 lain mana din?
~ "bila nk trekking?"
awat picture sket sgt??
yg lain2 xde ke??
nk tgk gak yg lain...
tp picture kt atas ni smue lawa2...
"Four students from Consist College, Wangsa Melawati"....
kiteorg ber3 je...kak pah dh xstdy g...
n kiteorg bknnyer dri wngsa melawati....
Tobak, pls chk kawan2 aku punya blog.....www.akmaladanan.com.......best gak...nanti aku bgtau knp aku kawan dgn diorg...hehehe...MOHDAWEA
..alah ika, lebih kuranglah tu. gambar2 lain tu tengoklah kalu ada masa.
incik awea.. wah, dah buat duit tu kira pro dah.. beza dgn suka-suka. cun beb. aaa, bulleh, kena minum kopi lah ni..
best siol activity macam ni../......
incik stone kalu mau join pun bulleh.. kawan2 kat mahsa kolej pun ramai..
sekadeh, pangkor... sekadeh, pangkor... bbq sg. congkak.. new zealanddddd.....
lalalala.. new zealand.. lalalala..
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